Villa Valmarana

Lisiera di Bolzano Vicentino Vicenza (c. 1563)
The villa which we see today is very different from that designed by Palladio for Gianfrancesco Valmarana, around 1563. Some idea of Palladio’s project is given by the engraving in the Quattro Libri, which shows a structure with double-storey loggias, enclosed by small towers on both fronts, but in this case — much more than elsewhere — the drawing betrays several uncertainties and inexactitudes.
In any case, building works at the villa were interrupted in 1566 by the death of Gianfrancesco and were probably concluded, economically, by his nephew Leonardo Valmarana (son of Gianfrancesco’s brother, Giovanni Alvise), the patron of the Cappella Valmarana in Santa Corona and heir of the great family palace also designed by Palladio. The second storey of loggias was never constructed and the middle section was terminated with a sort of attic. Almost destroyed by bombardment during World War II, the villa has recently been reconstructed.

View of the façade (photo Guidolotti 1997)

View (photo Guidolotti 1997)

The villa from Andrea Palladio’s Quattro Libri (1570)